Thursday 19 September 2013

Dominant ideologies

Dominant ideologies- CSI

Males and females have equal power in this clip, there is a male and a female officer, they both have the same job and the same role within the job showing that no single gender is more dominant and giving the ideology that men and women are equal.

The clip is also very patriotic towards America, all of the characters have strong American accents and the programme is set in America,  this targets the American audience.  Also, the FBI and and police forces solve the crimes very quickly, this give Americans the ideology that their country is very safe and that their crime investigators are efficient.

We also see that women are more vulnerable than men in the programme. We see that the dead bodies that are found are all women, this suggests that they are less dominant than men and have less power within the programme.

The programme opens with an enigma code. We see the dead bodies and want to know why they have been killed and why they are there. It makes the audience ask questions and want to watch more of the programme. The deaths signify disequilibrium within the programme.

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