Thursday 28 November 2013

District 9 characters

Wikus ( hero) - A pen usher that is out in a position of power through his father in law. He initially tries to evict the aliens but once he becomes infected he starts to feel empathy towards them. His transformation into an alien follows the tradition of "body horror". He becomes a hero towards the end of the film when he helps the aliens get home.


( princess )- she has no control over her life. She has a dominating father and escapes him to build a happy life with Wikus. As soon as Wikus is out of the picture she comes back under the control of her father. She is a very passive character.

( villain ) - a nigerian warlord operating out of district 9.He preys on the aliens and swaps their advanced weaponry for cat food.  He believes that if he eats alien body parts then he will gain their power.